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the list below for details about recent programs.

February 14: A recent edition of the Kansas State University radio production, Sound Living, featured Tara Solomon-Smith, a community wellness agent in southeastern Kansas. The show was about the state’s Rural Ag Health Community Healthworker Pilot Project. February 13: Marty Matlock, a professor in the department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas, was featured in a recent episode of the Farm+Food+Facts podcast from U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action. He discussed enhancing energy efficiency in agriculture in a full version of the podcast and in a shortened version. February 12: Biologicals: Are They a Barrier or a Game Changer? was the title of an online discussion sponsored by the Illinois Soybean Checkoff Program. It featured Dr. Mallory Choudoir from North Carolina State University and Dr. Laura Lindsey from The Ohio State University February 11: Alabama farmer Liz Spruell was a panelist in a discussion titled Empowering Ag Producers to Make Change. It was put on by Farm Journal’s Farm Country Update series. February 10: Jeff Hadachek, an Extension specialist and assistant professor of Ag Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, analyzes the economic value of conservation agricultural practices in this episode of the Field Notes podcast. February 7: Minnesota--the land of 10,000 lakes--strives to protect water resources by pushing for water conservation and water use efficiency in agriculture and food processing. The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) did a webinar not long ago about water use practices/policies and how they can help mitigate the effects of climate change. February 6: At the same Field Advisor Forum mentioned in the February 3 listing below, a panel of three independent crop consultants shared some candid views on topics like cover crops, crop biologicals, and micronutrients. February 5: At a recent cotton industry gathering, Chuck Zimmerman caught up with Gary Adams, president and CEO of the National Cotton Council, to discuss trends in the industry. February 4: Agri-Pulse talked with Greg Tyler, president and CEO of the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council, about the status of U.S. poultry exports and, in particular, the impact that HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza, aka bird flu) has had on those exports. February 3: Professor Scott Irwin of the University of Illinois shared his outlook for commodities marketing--primarily corn and soybeans--at a recent Field Advisor Forum sponsored by the Illinois Soybean Association. The session was good; the economic outlook…not so much. January 30-31: Why have food prices shot up so fast? Colorado State University Ag and Resource Economics Professor Dawn Thilmany says it’s due in large part to higher labor costs.